- Edited the sidebar and navbar on Home, Art, Writing, Misc, and Updates.
- Removed Story and Setting.
- Added Chapters and an empty page for Chapter 1.
- Edited the page content on Home.
- Edited the page content on About.
- Renamed Art to Gallery.
- Renamed Writing to Other Writing.
- Edited the page content on Gallery and Other Writing.
- Added reference sheets for Franklin and Matilda to Gallery.
- Added a Spotify embed for the overall story playlist and a directory with links in Misc.
- Added all current character playlists + directory links in Misc.
- Populated The Reset Event and Impacts in Setting. Also added a bullet to the list of issues to resolve with the setting, seen at the bottom of Setting.
- Uploaded "Florence Color" to the Art page.
- Changed the heading of the Art page as I am pleased (for now) with the layout and will mostly just be uploading art on there going forward.
- Changed some information on the Home page to reflect changes to the story (Franklin is no longer a minor and the story no longer takes place 350 years in the future).
- Updated the trigger warnings on the Home page to reflect aspects of the story I had forgotten to add triggers for.
- Populated Profiles page with headings and table of contents.
- Populated Profiles page with profile templates.
- Populated Franklin's biographical information and description. May edit/add to later.
- Added "Mail delivery system" and subsections under it on the Setting page.
- Populated "Mail delivery system" and subsections under it as well as the "Impacts" section on the Setting page.
- Made some minor tweaks to the headings on the Setting page.
- Added trigger warnings to Untitled #1 (2/20/22) on the Writing page.
- Removed some trigger warnings since I have changed some things in the story.
- Shuffled the html files around so that the url doesn't have the "pages" pathway and updated the links on all the pages accordingly.
- Added Art and Writing pages to the website.
- Added information about the Art and Writing pages to the Navigation sidebar.
- Fixed the issue of the current page not being highlighted on the navbar.
- Moved the art gallery from Misc to a dedicated Art page. Unsure what will be on Misc now, but I'm sure I'll have a use for it eventually.
- Added "Untitled #1 (undated)" to the Writing page and added a link directory for that and other writing snippets on the page.
- Added links to the table of contents in Setting and added "back to top" links at the end of each section.
- Fixed the hamburger menu on mobile (at least for the Home page)
- Fixed hamburger menu on all pages (had to upload separate instances of the javascript file to each page folder. Not an elegant solution but it works.)
- Rearranged the order of descriptions in the Navigation sidebar so that it reflects the order of links in the navbar menu.
- Fixed typos on the Updates page.
- Fixed the broken links on the website that previously went to the old Updates page pathway.
- Added a table of contents and appropriate linkage to the About page.
- Changed around the links on Setting to have both "Table of Contents" and "Back to Top" links.
- Added a link back to the directory on the Writing page.
- Found and added date of writing to "Untitled #1" on the Writing page.
- Fixed link on one of the pieces in the art gallery (Misc). Previously showed the full image of art from a different file than the tile's art.
- Added a crop to the tiles in the art gallery on Misc to help tidy up the grid.
- Edited descriptions in the art gallery on Misc to help tidy up the grid.
- Fixed About so that images are responsive to make the page small screen/mobile friendly.
- Redid the CSS and HTML for the navbar so that it becomes a drop down menu on smaller screens/mobile.
- NOTE: for some god forsaken reason, this new navbar only works when I import my test CSS file instead of the main style.css file. Will figure out why later. For now all of the pages are importing from styletest.css (except the home page, which doesn't import anything because if I don't put everything in a style header, it doesn't import for some reason).
- NOTE: also the current page isn't being highlighted, always just Home, so I gotta figure out why it's doing that too.
- Populated Misc will all artwork currently uploaded onto Neocities and added some text explaining the page.
- Populated Setting page with basic structure (headings) and table of contents.
- Figured out why the Updates tab wasn't working on the navbar and fixed it.
- NOTE: navbar looks extremely ugly on mobile/small screens. Will fix later.
- Added the Updates tab to the navbar on all other pages and updated the sidebar descriptions accordingly.
- Populated About page with basic structure (headings).
- Populated About page with content under the "Conception" header (text and artwork).
- NOTE: currently the About page doesn't adapt to smaller screens/mobile. Will fix later.
- Added an artwork gallery to Misc page and populated with some art
- Added an extra link to the side bar for the Updates page on the Home page until I get the navbar fixed.
- Changed the date of the setting listed on the Home page after consideration of the setting's political landscape and history (will explain how in a future update--probably when I get around to populating the Setting and/or Story pages.)
- Added Updates page to navbar on the Home page. The link doesn't work for some reason so I will wait to add this bit of code into the other pages until I've debugged that.
- Added some content to the About page (added an introductory paragraph and some headers)
- Fixed everything for the base site layout. Home page has everything in the style section because for some reason it didn't work when I just used the CSS style file. Dunno why.
- Updated all pages to follow the base site layout. This may change as I continue to refine the site and certain pages have certain functional needs (e.g., photo galleries)